A Message From The CEO November 27, 2024

Hey there,

Troll Toll Media is here. Your chance to pay to play. Get on blogs, newsletters, recommendation lists, all of the things that PR specialists claim they are pitching you to. We have access to dozens of opportunities for you. We will make a deal with the publisher and boom! instant advocacy.

Give it a shot. Most of the time, an article on a third party site converts a person into a customer or fan at a higher rate than an owned website.  

Happy Holidays! 

I was lucky enough to go on the Audiocraic podcast - Listen Here. It was a thorough interview that explains the two sides to trolling and addresses the internet hoaxes out there.

Please do not hesitate to reach out with special projects or any questions surrounding what we can provide. Email info@paythetrolltoll.com or use the chat feature. 

We will build something based on your goals. 

Looking forward to hearing from you,